meet karen

I know it feels like other moms have everything figured out.

Who Are You????

Welcome, I’m Karen.

I’m a former civil rights attorney turned stay at home mom to two amazing boys who deserve the best mom that I can be. Realizing that made me take a hard look at how I was raised; what were the values I wanted to pass down; and whether I needed to do some work on myself. Spoler Alert: Yes I did. A lot.

My boys were my “why.” I discovered something huge called “emotional intelligence” which has been shown to be a greater predictor of success than IQ. Hint: I was lacking.

I learned the skills behind effective and compassionate communication. Wait. You’re saying I can’t just say whatever little wicked little hobgoblin darts into my mind????

I also studied the latest neuroscience and child development research. This was super nerdy and super fun! But I also realized that sometimes my expectations for my children were not developmentally appropriate. (So, duh. That’s why they weren’t cooperating!)

So, now I’m a passionate advocate for intentional parenting and teaching as many moms as I can how to use the skills of intentional parenting to transform your family time into the loving, empathetic and deeply connected experience you’ve always wanted.

I want to help you straight up love your family even more. Because you deserve nothing less.

“What is this place?”

Imagine a safe place for moms to learn about emotional intelligence; compassionate communication; and the latest neuroscience and brain development research. And then, imagine in that same place there was a non-judgmental and empathetic fellow mom to guide you step by step with easy, bite-sized “how to’s” for using that information to transform the relationships in your life into deeply rooted connections.

“Why should I care?”

You don’t have to. But, if you could use a little more calm and connection in your day, all you need is here. No more waiting to exhale!

we all have quirks

10 Delightfully Random Revelations About Yours Truly

  • I’m a true hippie 🌻 at heart ♥️;
  • I love outdoors and enjoy its peace-giving qualities. And I’m always encouraging my boys to play outside. Being outside releases my anxiety. Unless it’s too hot. Or too cold. Or too wet or too dirty. Or too primative. Or just too dog-gone “nature-y.” Because hot, cold, wet, dirty and primative just make me nervous… I love my nature, but I like my nature controlled;
  • I’m a huge nerd and I love going full Sherlock on anything I’m interested in;
  • Speaking of Sherlock, my last tv binge was Elementary;
  • Essential oils are waaaaay better than the doctor’s office;
  • I love books – especially gorgeously illustrated, thoughtful, engaging children’s books;
  • I secretly dream of a play date with 100 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 🐶 puppies!
  • I was a civil rights attorney who retains my passion for social justice, and I talk to my boys about social justice issues – all. the. time. Just ask them.
  • My teens are only minimally on social media. And they don’t hate me for it!
  • I zealously guard the number of fucks that I am willing to give.

“I needed this… I couldn’t finish reading I was engulfed in tears.. you know exactly how my life is without even speaking with me… your truly a blessing and I thank you for writing this. Stay strong.”

I would love to know how to be patient with myself. Love and patience with children comes more easily to me than having love and patience with myself. I love this trick that helps me be patient with me and makes me feel like a better mom!! #patience #selflove #motherhood

“Bless you for writing this, such a simple yet powerful lesson. I promise to try to remember it and do as you did – be present with my son when he needs it most.”


here’s what else i know…

pssst! it’s about you!

  • People think you are one of those “other” moms who has “it” all together.
  • You’re tired. I mean, overwhelmed, bone-weary, dog-ass kind of tired.
  • You feel guilty. You can barely have relaxing “family time” that doesn’t end in tears or tantrums. I’m talking yours or theirs.
  • You desperately want to feel like you’ve got “it” together more often than not.
  • You’re a better mom than you think you are.

If this sounds like you, we’re going to get along great!

My most popular script for parents of teens

Words That Work with Teens